The vortex on my back
Tap! Someone tapped my back
Who is it? I turned around to see that it was my teacher
My back kept getting tapped and on it a small ripple had appeared
Tap! Someone tapped my back
Who is it? I turned around to see that it was an upperclassman
My back kept getting tapped and on it a small vortex had appeared
Tap! Someone tapped my back
Who is it? I turned around to see that it was a stranger
My back kept getting tapped and on it a big vortex had appeared
Many people have tapped my back and now I have finally reached here but
my back swelled up big and throbbed
There is something I could see past the throbbing pain
Past the throbbing pain is where I can grow
カテゴリ:Picture book(絵本英語)